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24 مارچ 1843ع جي نما شام، ڪا رواجي نما شام نه هئي. اولهه طرف عرش کي ڄڻ باهه جا ڀنڀٽ ورائي ويا هئا. سنڌ جي آسمان تي لهندڙ سج رت جي لام ڇڏي ڏني هئي. هيٺ، ڌرتيءَ کي سنڌڙيءَ جي سپوتن ۽ سرڪش جوڌن رت جو ريج ڏنو. ماحول موت وانگر ماٺ ۽ گنڀير هو. سج اڳ به لهندو هو، پر اُن شام جھڙو اُداس ۽ المناڪ نه لڳندو هو. شهيدن جي شام ڇا آئي، ڄڻ غيب مان روحن جي آخري سفر جي صدا آئي. فلڪ ۽ مَلڪ حيرت وچان دُٻي ۾ اکيون اٽڪائي ويهي رهيا.

دُٻي جو ميدان، جتي ٽپهريءَ تائين موت ۽ زندگي جو معرڪو لڳو هو، اُتي نما شام تائين مڪليءَ جهڙيءَ ماٺ اچي واسو ڪيو. سڄو ميدان عضون جو ڪوس ــ گهر هو. هر طرف لاشن جا انبار هئا. منظر اهڙو، جو دلير دهلجي وڃن ۽ ڏونگر ڏري پون! قبرستان جھڙي خاموشي وايو منڊل کي اُڳري ويئي. هوائون ساهه روڪي بيهي رهيون.

. . . . . . تڏهن، ميجر جيڪب جي ڪيمپ ۾ سر چارلس نيپئر جو ڪٽڪ اچي پهتو. نيپئر فتح جو سهرو پنهنجي سر تي رکڻ لاءِ آتو هو. هن اچڻ شرط جام چپن تي آندو، ۽ بيوگل وڄائڻ جو حڪم ڏنو. چار سپاهي ميجر جيڪب جي تنبوءَ ٻاهران اچي بيٺا. بيوگلن جو رخ رت آلود آسمان ڏانهن ڪري، ڦڦڙن ۾ ساهه ڦوڪي، فتح جو آواز آلاپيائون. آواز تکو ۽ طويل هو، ۽ سنگينن وانگر سنڌ جي سيني ۾ لهي ويو.

سنڌ پاسو ورايو. موت جو فرشتو امان گُهري پري ٿي بيٺو. هوشوءَ رت ـــ هاڻيءَ مٽيءَ مان منهن مٿي ڪيو ........

بيوگل جو آواز ٻڌي، سندس اُتاولو روح ساوڻ جي سنڌوءَ وانگر بيقابو ۽ شهزور ٿي پيو. هن کاٻي ٻانهن وڌائي، هڪ ڪهاڙي کڻي ورتي. ڪهاڙيءَ جي ڳن کي قابو ڪري، کوڙي، آهستي آهستي، هو ڪارڙو ۽ ڪوجھڙو، طاقتور ۽ قدآور جوڌو، لاشن جي وچ ۾ آُٿي بيٺو. هن جو سڄو جسم رت جي کنهبي ۾ رڱيل هو. وارن کان پيرن تائين، عضوو عضوو زخمن کان چچرجي چور ٿي چڪو هوس. ماس لڱن کان ڌار ٿي ويو هوس. ساڄي ٻانهن ڪلهي کان ڪپجي، مشڪن جي هڪ تند ۾ لٽڪي رهي هيس. تيرن ۽ تلوارن، بڙڇين ۽ ڀالن، بندوقن ۽ سنگينن سندس سنَڌ سَنڌ پرڻ ڪري ڇڏيو هو. هن جي جسم تي چونجاهه گَهرا گهاءُ هئا.

هو اٿي بيٺو، ته عذاب جو احساس هيري جي ڪڻ وانگر سندس وجود مان پار ٿي ويو. ڪنڌ ۾ ڪُنڍي تير جي هيٺان تلوار جو اونهو گهاءُ هوس، جيڪو مشڪن کي ڪپيندو، مغزي ڏوريءَ تائين وڃي پهتو هوس.

هن آهستي آهستي اکيون کوليون. پنبڻين ۾ سڪل رت جا ذرڙا ياقوت جي داڻن وانگر پوتل هئس. تڪليف جي ڦيٿي وانگر ڦرندو محسوس ٿيس. اکين آڏو اونداهه اچي ويس. ڇپر ڇِپُن وانگر ڪِري پيس. گوڏا وڃي رت ــ هاڻيءَ مٽيءَ سان لڳس. هن نرڙ ڪهاڙيءَ جي ڳن تي رکي ڇڏيو، ۽ سندس رڳ رڳ مان رت ٽمندو رهيو.

پوءِ، گهڙي کن رکي، سگهه ساري، ڪهاڙيءَ جي ڳن تي زور ڏيئي، ٻيهر اٿي بيٺو. ڦٽ کُلي پيس. اندر ۾ عذاب جا آرا هلڻ لڳيس، پر هن آه کي دل جي قيدخاني مان نڪري چپن تي اچڻ نه ڏنو ــــــــــــــــ دانهن نه ڪيائين. گُهنڊ وجهي، ميجر جيڪب جي ڪيمپ ڏانهن ڏٺائين. سنڌ جي آزاد هوائن ۾ انگريزن جو رنگارنگي جھنڊو جھولندو ڏسي، سندس وجود ۾ نفرت ۽ حقارت جو ٻرندڙ جبل ڦاٽي پيو. وڙهڻ لاءِ وک واڌايائين، پر وڌائي نه سگهيو. هو نهائينءَ وانگر کامندو، جيءَ ۾ جلندو رهيو.

پوءِ اڪيلي سر، جتي سندس سورهيه سرويچ ساٿي سنڌڙيءَ تان جندڙي قربان ڪري شهيد ٿي چڪا هئا، هوشوءَ زخمي شينهن وانگر گجگوڙ ڪري دشمن کي للڪاريو، پڪاريو .......... رڻ گجيو، راڙو ٿيو.

بيوگل جي نڙيءَ ۾ ڀانءَ ته پلي جو ڪنڊو اٽڪي پيو. سر چارلس نيپئرکان ڇرڪ نڪري ويو. ميجر جيڪب جي چپن تائين فتح جو جام ايندي ايندي ڇلڪي پيو. هو ٻيئي ۽ ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن تنبن مان ٻاهر نڪري آيا.

هوشوءَ کاٻي هٿ ۾ ڪهاڙيءَ جو ڳن مضبوط ڪري، هڪ ڌڪ سان لڙڪندڙ ساڄي ٻانهن ڪلهي کان ڌار ڪري ڇڏي.

انگريزن کان دانهن نڪري ويئي. سر چارلس نيپئر حيرت مان، وچ ميدان ۾ بيٺل سورمي ڏانهن ۽ پوءِ ميجر جيڪب ڏانهن ڏٺو.

ميجر جيڪب چيو، ”هيءُ هوشو آهي. اڄوڪيءَ جنگ ۾، هڪ ڊيميٽرس کان سواءِ، رايل برٽش آرميءَ جا سڀئي جوڌا هوشوءَ سان زور آزمائي، مري مات ٿيا آهن.“

جنگنجو پهلوان ڊيميٽرس مٿي کان پيرن تائين لوهه جي زرهه ۾ جهنجهيل هو. هو ٽنهي وٽ اچي بيٺو.

ميجر جيڪب چيو، ”مان سترهن جنگين ۾ وڙهيو آهيان، مون هوشوءَ جھڙو بيڊپو ۽ سرڪش جرنيل نه ڏٺو آهي، سندس بيپناهه بهادري ڏسي، مون کي ساڻس نفرت ٿي ويئي آهي.“

ڊيميٽرس ماٺيڻي لهجي ۾ چيو، ” هوشو جيڪڏهن آسماني ڪتابن کان اڳ پيدا ٿئي ها ته سندس نالو حضرت شمعون سان گڏ لکيو وڃي ها. هن جي دليريءَ جا داستان ڏندڪٿائن وانگر سنڌ ۾ صدين تائين ٻُڌايا ويندا.“

”مون کي خبر آهي.“ سر چارلس نيپئر چيو، ”مونکي اها به خبر آهي ته اڄ رڻ تتي جڏهن هوشوءَ جي توپ جو بارود ختم ٿي ويو هو، تڏهن هن لوهي توپ ڀاڪر ۾ ڀري، اسانجن سپاهين تي اُڇلائي هئي.“

ميجر جيڪب ڪيپٽن رچرڊسن ڏانهن ڏسندي چيو، ” ڪئپٽن، هوشوءَ اڄوڪي هڪ ڏينهن ۾ اسانجا ايترا ته جوڌا ماريا آهن جو ڳڻڻ کان ٻاهر آهن. مان تونکي حڪم ٿو ڏيان ته کيس ماري، سندس سر سنگين تي چاڙهي، سر چارلس نيپئر آڏو اچي پيش ڪر.“

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن، پنهنجي جنگجو پهلوان ڊيميٽرس کي وٺي، ميدان ۾ ڪاهي پيو. هو ٻيئي لاشن کي اورانگهيندا، ڀڳل هٿيارن کي لتاڙيندا، وچ ميدان ڏانهن ڌوڪيندا ويا، جتي هوشو هماليا جبل وانگر ڳاٽ اوچو ڪيو بيٺو هو.

اڃا هو ٻيئي هوشوءَ کان ڪجھ پرڀرو هئا ته زرهه ۾ جهنجهيل ڊيميٽرس چيو، ” ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن، هوشوءَ جي بهادريءَ جو ذڪر منهنجي بزدليءَ جو اعتراف ته نه آهي.“

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن منهن ورائي ڊيميٽرس ڏانهن ڏٺو.

ڊيميٽرس چيو، ” اڄوڪيءَ جنگ ۾ هوشوءَ جتي جتي پير رکيو ٿي، اُتي ڌرتي ڌُٻي ٿي، ڪنبي ٿي. تلوار جو وار ڪيائين پئي ته آسمان لرزيو ٿي.“

”تنهنجن حواسن تي هوشوءَ جو خوف ڇانئجي ويو آهي.“ ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن چيو،” هينئر هو زخمي آهي.“

” مون اڄ ڏينهن تائين فقط خوف جو نالو ٻڌو هو،“ ڊيميٽرس چيو، ” اڄ جڏهن هوشوءَ کي وڙهندي ۽ وار ڪندي ڏٺو اٿم، تڏهن خوف جو مفهوم سمجهيو اٿم.“

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن کي منهن ۾ گُهنڊ پيو. هو ٻِيئي هوشوءَ ڏانهن وڌندا رهيا، ڳالهائيندا رهيا. نيٺ هوشوءَ کي سڏپنڌ تي اچي پهتا.

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن پنهنجي جنگجو پهلوان جي دل مٿي ڪرڻ لاءِ چيو، ”ڊيميٽرس، تون عهدِ روم جي گليڊيئٽرن جھڙو بهادر آهين. تنهنجا جنگي جوهر عظيم رچرڊ جي ڪارنامن سان ڀيٽڻ لائق آهن. تنهنجو وار آدمخور چيتي جي اُڇل آهي. ڏسين ڇا ٿو، حملو ڪر!“

ڊيميٽرس هوشوءَ ڏانهن ڏٺو. هوشوءَ هٿ سان پنبڻين ۾ اٽڪيل سُڪل رت جا ذرڙا، مهٽي، لاهي ڇڏيا. اڃ کان ٺوٺ ٿيل چپ ڏري پيا هئس. ڳيت ڏنائين، ته رت ٺينڊيون ڪندو ڦڦرن ۾ وڃي ڦاٿس. هن ڊيميٽرس ڏانهن ڏٺو. ڪهاڙيءَ جي ڳن تي سندس مٺ لوهه وانگر قابو ٿي ويئي. آهستي آهستي ڦِريو، ۽ ڪيپٽن رچرڊسن ۽ جنگجو ڊيميٽرس کي دوبدو ٿي بيٺو.

”ڊيميٽرس“ ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن رڙ ڪئي، ”ڏسين ڇا ٿو، حملو ڪر.“

ڊيميٽرس ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن کان عمر ۾ وڏو هو. هن ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن ڏانهن ڏسڻ بنا چيو، ” ڪئپٽن، هيءُ هوشوءَ، جنهن جو سَنڌ سَنڌ زخمن کان چور آهي، جيڪو وارن کان پيرن تائين رت ۾ رڱيل آهي، سو اڄ جڏهن اسان فوج تي ڪڙڪيو هو ته وڄ وانگر ڪڙڪيو هو، اسان جي صفن ڏانهن وڌيو هو ته طوفان وانگر وڌيو هو، جيئن جيئن ڀڙڇيون ۽ ڀالا لڳس پئي، تيئن تيئن گجيو ٿي. ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن، ياد رک، هوشوءَ جو آواز صدين تائين سنڌ ۾ گونجندو رهندو.“

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن اٽڪلي هو، حرفتي هو. هن پنهنجي جملي تي زور ڏيندي چيو، ” ته پوءِ ايڏي وڏي جرنيل کي مارڻ جو فخر حاصل نه ڪندين؟“

ڊيميٽرس پنهنجو فولادي ٽوپ مٿي ڪري ڪئپٽن ڏانهن ڏٺو، ۽ چيو، ”هوشوءَ کي ڪوبه ماري نه سگهندو! “

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن کي پنهنجي جنگجو پهلوان جو جواب ناگوار محسوس ٿيو. هن کهري لهجي ۾ ڊيميٽرس کي چيو، ” ڊيميٽرس، مان رايل برٽش آرميءَ جو ڪئپٽن تو کي حڪم ٿو ڏيان ته هوشوءَ تي حملو ڪر! “

ڊيميٽرس سڌو تي بيٺو. مياڻ مان تلوار ڪڍندي چيائين، ” مان رايل برٽش آرميءَ جو معمولي پگهاردار سپاهي، تنهنجو حڪم مڃان ٿو. مان پنهنجي قيامت ڪار ي ڪريان ٿو. هڪ گهايل ۽ زخمي سورميءَ تي وار ڪري، مان پنهنجيءَ ماءُ کي لڄايان ٿو.“

ڊيميٽرس وک کڻي هوشوءَ ڏانهن وڌي آيو. هڪ پگهاردار سپاهيءَ وانگر، تلوار سڌي ڪري هوشوءَ تي وريو.

هوشوءَ ڪهاڙيءَ جي ڳن تي مٺ مضبوط ڪري، رهيل سهيل طاقت بدن ۾ ڀري، ٻانهن اُڀي ڪري، ڪهاڙي ڊيميٽرس کي اُڇلائي هنئي. ڪهاڙي کنوڻ وانگر کِوندي، زرهه کي ڪاغذ وانگر ڪپيندي، ڦَڙَ سميت، اڌ ڳن تائين ڊيميٽرس جي سيني ۾ لهي وئي. ڊيميٽر جي هٿ مان تلوار ڇڏائجي ويئي. وات وحشٽ مان ڦاٽي پيس، پر رڙ نه نڪتس. هو ڪري پيو. مٽيءَ جي بوتي وانگر ڀُري پيو.

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن بنا دير جي، اک ڇنڀ ۾ ، زهريلو ڀالو زخمي ۽ بي هٿيار هوشوءَ کي سموريءَ سگهه سان اُڇلائي هنيو. ڀالو هوشوءَ جي سيني کي چيريندو، پٺيءَ تائين پار ٿي ويو. ڀالو هوشوءَ جي سيني ۾ کپي پيو.

هوشوءَ جي وات مان صدا بلند ٿي: ”مرسون مرسون، سنڌ نه ڏيسون!“

هوشوءَ پنهنجو هٿ ڀالي ۾ وجهي، سٽ ڏيئي، سيني مان ڇڪي ٻاهر ڪڍي ورتو.

ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن جو ساهه خوف کان سڪي ويو. هن هوش نه سنڀاليو هو جو هوشوءَ اُهو چتائي ۽ کپائي، ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن جي کوپريءَ تي وهائي ڪڍيو. ڪئپٽن جي ڪيپراٽي ذريون ذريون ٿي ويئي. هو رڙ ڪري، پهڻ وانگر ڌرتيءَ تي ڪريو ۽ برف وانگر ٺري ويو.

هوشوءَ اُجهامندڙ اک سان آسمان ڏانهن ڏٺو. آسمان تي لهندڙ سج رت ـــ هاڻي لام ڇڏي ڏني هئي.

هوشوءَ ڌرتيءَ تي دان ڏنو. سندس هانءَ مان وهندڙ ۽ ٽمندڙ رت ڏسي، لڪيءَ جا چشما بند تي ويا. سنڌو نديءَ جو وهڪرو ماٺ ۾ ۽ سانت ۾ سڪندو ويو. کير ٿر جون سربلند چوٽيون جھڪنديون ويو ـــــــــ هڪ طويل رڪوع ۾ نمنديون ويون.

هوشوءَ ٿڙندو، ٿاٻڙندو، وک کن وڌيو. اکين اڳيان اونداهه اچي ويس. اکين آڏو ماحول ڌنڌ ۾ ٻڏندو ويس. هو آهستي آهستي، گوڏا کوڙي، رت ڀِنيءَ ڌرتيءَ تي ويهي رهيو. روح اڻ ــ ڪٿ پولار ۾ ڀنواٽيون کائڻ لڳس، ڪائنات جي بي انت پکيڙ ۾ پکيءَ وانگر پرڙا هڻندو رهيس. ڪرنگهو ڪمان ٿيس. هو ابدي سجدي ۾ ڌرتيءَ تي جھڪي آيو. پنهنجا رت ــ هاڻا چپ سنڌ جي مِٽيءَ سان ملائيندي چيائين،

”سنڌڙي منهنجي ماءُ،
جيجل منهنجي ماءُ،
تنهنجي سڏ تي سر ڏيئي،
مون پيتو جامِ شهادت پيتو.

اڄ اُسهان ٿو ديس پرائي،
جتان وري مان ورندس:
صدين جا رُخ موڙي،
حق جو جھنڊو عرش تي کوڙي،
۽ واڳ وقت جي موڙي،
مان تنهنجي سڏ تي ايندس.

جيجل منهنجي ماءُ،
سنڌڙي منهجي ماءُ،
جڏهن به تو تي اونداهه ايندي،
ظلم جي نگري ٿيندي،
رات ڏينهن کي اُڳري ويندي،
۽ کيپ ڪوڙ جي ٿيندي،
۽ مان سر جو صدقو ٿيندس.

جيجل منهنجي ماءُ،
سنڌڙي منهنجي ماءُ،
مان تنهنجي خاطر ڏاڍ ڏمر سان وڙهندس،
سر جي سَين هڻي مان ايندس،
حق تان صدقي ٿيندس:
مان ايندو رهندس،
مرندو رهندس،
مري، وري مان جِيئندس،
جتان وري مان ورندس.“

هوشوءَ پنهنجيءَ بيپناهه بهادريءَ ۽ بيمثال حب الوطنيءَ سان دُٻي جي شڪست کي سنڌ جي سڀ کان وڏيءَ فتح ۾ بدلي ڇڏيو.

جنهن وقت ڪائنات مڪمل اونداهه ۾ گم ٿي رهي هئي، ۽ جنهن وقت انگريزن جي ڪيمپ مان ڪئپٽن رچرڊسن ۽ جنگجو ڊيميٽرس جي موت تي ٽرمپيٽ جي دردناڪ صدا بلند ٿي رهي هئي، تنهن وقت جرنيل هوش محمد شيديءَ پنهنجي زندگي جا آخري ساهه کنيا. . . . . . ۽ پوءِ، ٿڪل ٽُٽل ٻار وانگر، جيجل سنڌ جي هنج ۾ منهن رکي سمهي پيو.

Mehrullah Qambrani(Boxer)

Mehrullah Qambrani (born November 24, 1979) is a former Pakistani amateur boxer best known to win a gold medal at the 2002 Asian Games.


Mehrullah who has five brothers and three sisters joined the Karachi Port Trust boxing club in 1995.

He won the Asian Games 2002 in the featherweight division.

At the Olympics he tried his hands a division lower at bantam but lost his first bout against superstar and two-time winner Guillermo Rigondeaux and went back up to featherweight.

In 2005 he went 1-1 against Olympic silver medalist Kim Song-Guk in international tournaments.

At the 2006 Commonwealth Games he lost the final tio Stephen Smith 10:20.In his career's last years he used to box in Pakistan's live program "EK MUKA AUR" which means ONE MORE PUNCH in English. At the South East Asian Games he and compatriot Faisal Karim tested positive for cannabis and were banned for life.

Boxing in his blood

For Siddiq Qambrani, former member of the national boxing team, boxing is not a fight between two rivals but the application of technique to defend oneself and hit the rival well. While his friends and fans may lament that Siddiq only studied up to class nine, but he led the national boxing team as a winner from 1962 to 1970. He continued playing till 1978 before retiring.

Born in 1942, Siddiq Qambrani grew up in the traditional boxing atmosphere of Lyari. His father, Ali Mohammed Qambrani, was among the founders of boxing in Pakistan, and launched his own Muslim Azad Boxing Club to attract the youth of Lyari, and train them to become players of international repute. The club was renamed as Ali Mohammed Qambrani Boxing Club to pay tribute to the great boxer of the sub continent. Siddiq’s elder brother, Yaqub Qambrani, led the National Boxing Federation.

Siddiq said it was his own wish to play friendly matches earlier but then he got a chance to lead the national team abroad. He has traversed much of the world during his career, using the skills he acquired from his elders and teachers to bring home many accolades. He has also performed as a coach for teams of different major organisations of the city and is still seen enthusiastic about guiding young players.

“All the children in our family were inspired by their elders, who lived and practiced the sport in the same boundary wall. After school, they would all come to the family club and start practicing.

Hence, boxing became their hobby. My sons and nephews are now playing with national teams, representing Pakistan abroad,” he said.

Qambrani’s most memorable fight was against an Israeli boxer at the 1970 Asian Games held in Bangkok, Thailand. “It was a historic contest between a Pakistani and an Israeli. There were nine other players in our team, but I took the fight as a challenge and defeated him.

“My opponent was the champion of Israel, and was famous for knocking out rivals in the second round. When I came out to the boxing ring, my rival was dancing as he probably thought that I was not strong enough and he would beat me easily. However, as it turned out, I beat him so severely in the first round that by the start of the second round, he was completely flattened,” he narrated.

“There is a code of conduct in every sport and all sportsmen have to follow it. In boxing, after the round ends, both players hug each other despite being rivals. Since it is a game to entertain the audience, players do not act as if they are at war where they have to kill the rival,” he said. “Interestingly though, after that match, Israel never sent its players to take part in the Asian games and rather preferred to play in World Cups only.”

While Qambrani is currently engaged in guiding his young protégés at the family club in Lyari, he lamented successive governments’ failure in supporting various sports, especially boxing. However, he remains hopeful that the incumbent Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)-led government may work to promote this sport. According to him, the government has decided to announce some grants for sports activities and boxing clubs must be a beneficiary of this policy.

Abdul Rashid Qambrani(Boxer)

Abdul Rashid Qambrani (born 1975-07-12) is a retired male boxer from Pakistan, who competed for his native country at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. There he was stopped in the first round of the men's light flyweight division (– 48 kg) by Ukraine's eventual bronze medalist Oleg Kiryukhin.
Abdul Rashid Qambrani

Personal information
Full name: Abdul Rashid Qambrani
Nationality: Pakistan
Rated at: Light Flyweight
Date of birth: July 12, 1975 (1975-07-12) (age 34)
Height: 1.68 m (5 ft 6 in)
Weight: 48 kg (110 lb)

What can you do for Chakar Qambrani?

"What can you do for Chakar [Qambrani] and other missing persons," the young man from Quetta asked me on Facebook.

Chakar Qambrani, 32, father of four, an active member of the pro-independence Baloch Republican Party and a shopkeeper by vocation, was abducted from Quetta on February 6 this year by Pakistani intelligence services and nothing is known about him to this day.

The two girls in the picture are his daughters, Bebo, 12, and Sumairum, 10. On their fingers are the signs, BLA and BRP, two freedom-loving parties. The BLA stands for Baluchistan Liberation Army and BRP stands for Baloch Republican Party. The two secular outfits are engaged in a David and Goliath struggle against the world's fourth largest Pakistan army, by engaging in hit and run operations.

Chakar Qambrani is among more than one thousand Baluch missing persons, including 141 women, who were abducted by the Pakistan state forces and intelligence agencies. A list of the missing persons was provided by the Baluch resistance parties when United Nations High Commission for Refugees, John Solecki was abducted by the hitherto unknown Baluchistan United Liberation Front earlier this year.

I had no answers for Zaren Qambrani, 18, from Qilli Qambrani who befriended me on Facebook earlier Thursday.

On the website of Qambrani's party, Baloch Republican Party, an announcement under "Still Missing" reads:

Chakar Qambrani Baloch [member Central Committee, BRP] has been abducted by secret intelligence services of Pakistan from Quetta, and he is missing since February 6th, 2009.

Jalil Reki Baloch [Central Information Secretary of BRP] has been abducted by secret intelligence services of Pakistan from Quetta, and he is missing since February 13th, 2009.

Baluch hero Faiz Baluch, who faced jail in the United Kingdom last year at the behest of former military government of coup leader general Pervez Musharraf, assures the Baluch that independence is not only the solution but also imminent in Baluchistan. I hope and wish Faiz Baluch is right. Like myself, he is a dreamer, and we are lucky to be out of Pakistan and Iran intelligence reach.

Chakar Qambrani is among the more than thousand dreamers in Pakistani-occupied Baluchistan who want to see a better future for the Baluch from Chabahar to Sonmiani and from Zahidan to Dera Bugti.

A future where Baluch protesters, including women and children, would not be out on the streets chanting slogans humm lay kar rahaingay azadi, or "we shall not stop until we get independence." They would actually be independent and living their lives in peace like the people in the other Gulf states.

Chakar Qambrani vanished under a civilian government that says it espouses democracy. During this so-called democratic government headed by President Asif Ali Zardari some who vanished never returned but were embraced by the land they loved most and for whose freedom and pride they gave their lives.

Not one but many.

Like a young mother embracing her beautiful offspring who die early.

Three such heroes turned martyrs were Ghulam Mohammed Mohammed Baluch, 50, Lala Munir Baluch, 50, and Sher Mohammed Baluch, 35. They were abducted by the infamous Inter Services Intelligence agency from the office of their lawyer Advocate Kachkol Ali in Turbat on April 3 and their bodies were recovered from Pidarak foothill, outside Turbat, four days later.

Advocate Kachkol Ali tried his level best to get a case registered against the intelligence agencies but to no avail.

Noted Baluchistan journalist Malik Siraj Akbar, a reporter with The Daily Times, interviewed Advocate Kachkol Ali a day after the bodies of the three missing activists were recovered. I am repeating six paragraphs from Akbar's story:

"Around five to six other officials dressed in plainclothes walked inside my office. They were carrying guns in their hands; spoke Urdu; overpowered the Baloch leaders and tied their hands from the backside. Masks were also put on their faces and they were driven to an unknown place," said Kachkol Ali.

"Subsequently, Kachkol Ali and his lawyer friends went to the local police station to lodge a case against the colonels of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), the Military Intelligence (MI), Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the commandant of the Frontier Corps (FC).

"'We were certain that our men had been whisked away by the intelligence agencies. The courts should have taken notice of the incident and asked the officials of these agencies to explain their position regarding the whereabouts of the Baloch leaders,' he said.

"On its part, the Turbat police said it could not register a case against the intelligence agencies. However, it agreed to jot down the details of the case in its daily diary. Later on, Kachkol Ali also wrote an application to the Balochistan High Court and appealed for immediate intervention. As luck would have it, there was no action taken by the court as well.

"Four days after the disappearance of the three Baloch leaders, their dead bodies were recovered in Turbat district.

"Had the judiciary acted swiftly, our important leaders would never get killed," says Kachkol Ali who directly holds the intelligence agencies responsible for the unprecedented murders. "

The three were tortured, shot in the head and their bodies dropped by a military helicopter, the family and friends of the deceased said.

Even Mir Hasil Bizenjo, a leader of pro-federation National Party who believes in working with Punjabis like former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, came out openly against the extra judicial murder of the three activists and demanded a trial of the chiefs of the omnipotent Inter Services Intelligence and Military Intelligence.

Later President Zardari absolved his country's intelligence agencies and said they were not involved in killing of the three. London-based Baluch national hero, Hyrbiar Marri, said Zardaris' defense of the intelligence spooks even before a proper inquiry into the killings was conducted shows how weak the Pakistani president was. "Baluchistan is being run by supra state actors, the intelligence agencies who answer to no one," Marri said.

Zaren Qambrani said a hunger strike was staged by children for Chakar Qambrani's release for one month and later his mother decided to sit on a hunger strike. She has given a 15-day deadline for release of her son which is going to end in two days, Zaren Qambrani told me.

I asked what does the deadline mean, Zareen Qambrani said after that the Qambranis would be free to do whatever they think fit to get justice.

"He is very decent and kind and took care of poorer Baluchs," Zaren Qambrani said about his missing cousin.

As these lines were being written, Pakistan was conducting renewed atrocities against the Baluch.

On Thursday, Frontier Corps personnel attacked a peaceful demonstration of student activists in front of the Quetta Press Club who were protesting the disappearance and torture of Fazal Sher Baluch. They beat up one activist who managed to run inside the Quetta Press Club to save his life.

While on Friday, a leader of the Baluch Student Organization [Azad] in Quetta, Qambar Chakar Baluch, was abducted by Pakistani state secret agencies from the Baluchistan capital as he was walking in front of the I.T. University in Quetta and taken to an unknown destination for torture.


Other than the two dayghters, Qambrani has two sons Mehmood, 9, and Bohir, 5, respectively.

When Qambrani's chidren were on hunger strike, the security forces showed guns to the chidren, threatened them and left them stiff scared, observers in Quetta said.

The security forces also took away the car Qambrani was driving at the time of his abduction.

I frankly do not have an answer for Zaren Qambrani, or for Bebo and Sumairum, but maybe the honorable secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon does have an answer for them. If he is Korean and Qambrani is Baluch, that does not make any difference. Notwithstanding widespread reports of corruption at the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon represents the conscience of humanity.

We hope his office would pressure Islamabad to immediately release all the Baluch missing persons, including Chakar Qambrani and Jalil Reki.

But this is the first baby step towards complete pullout of the Pakistan army and Frontier Corp, who are total aliens to Baluchistan -- as the name itself says Baluchistan means the land of the Baluch and the world must stop the cruel joke against the Baluch natives.

The United Nations must respect the national aspirations of the Baluch. Honorable Mr. Ki-moon, Bebo and Sumairum need your help.

Pakistan’s Asian Gold Medalist Boxer Ali Mohammad Qambrani died

Karachi : Pakistan Another International Boxer Dies In Karachi , Former Star late boxer Ali Mohammad Qambrani Died After Little complain pain in head his family admit his in lyari general hospital and hi not recover today (Tuesday)

President of Pakistan Boxing Federation Mr. Doda Khan Bhutto , Vice President Iqbal Hussain , general Secretary Mohammad Akram Khan , PBF Referee Judges Commission Chairman Ali Akber Shah , Secretary Ghullam Hussain Patni , Waheed Maqsood and other All PBF Officials has expressed deepsense of grief over the sad demise of the Ali Mohammad Qambrani family at this occasion , they sad this demise will deep for thatha’s Boxing .

40Year old Ali Mohammad Qambrani was the gold medalist in Asian boxing championship held at manila Philippine in 1995 , he won gold medal in 54kg weight category , he was the win first Junior silver Medal in 1994 at Hiroshima in Asian games , he won gold medal in Quid-e-Azam International Boxing Tournament in 51 kg in 1997 , he was started boxing at age of just 12 year and he won first national Title in PSB Inter Provincial Under 14 Boxing championship in age of 13 year , he was also winner of many National and international Medals Included 5 time national champion during 1995 to 1999

Late Ali Mohammad was the part of Pakistan national boxing squad since 1990 to 1999 and won many internationals medals also , he belong with big boxing family his father Siddique Qambarni was also a international boxer he beat an Israelian Boxer in manila philpine in 1964 and his Grandfather named Ali Mohammad Qambrani (same name) was one of the founder of Pakistan Boxing and Specially Lyari Boxing and Pakistan Government also establish a Boxing Stadium his honor named also Ali Mohammad Qambrani Boxing Stadium In Lyari.

Shahid Qambrani (CRICKETER)

Shahid Qambrani

Full name Shahid Ali Qambrani

Born February 2, 1978, Kotri, Sind

Current age 31 years 307 days

Major teams Dadu, Hyderabad (Pakistan), Hyderabad Hawks, Pakistan Customs, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, Sind

Batting style Right-hand bat

Bowling style Right-arm medium

Batting and fielding averages

Mat Inns NO Runs HS Ave BF SR 100 50 4s 6s Ct St
First-class 84 151 12 4082 150* 29.36

8 23

51 0
List A 38 37 6 1328 112* 42.83

3 8

8 0
Twenty20 11 11 2 226 48* 25.11 203 111.33 0 0 23 4 1 0
Bowling averages

Mat Inns Balls Runs Wkts BBI BBM Ave Econ SR 4w 5w 10
First-class 84
1183 691 17 4/137
40.64 3.50 69.5
0 0
List A 38
296 254 3 1/28 1/28 84.66 5.14 98.6 0 0 0
Twenty20 11 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Career statistics
First-class debut 1998/99
Last First-class Hyderabad (Pakistan) v Karachi Blues at Mirpur Khas, Dec 3-5, 2009 scorecard
List A debut 1998/99
Last List A Water and Power Development Authority v Hyderabad Hawks at Sheikhupura, Mar 26, 2008 scorecard
Twenty20 debut Hyderabad Hawks v Peshawar Panthers at Lahore, Apr 25, 2005 scorecard
Last Twenty20 Hyderabad Hawks v Sialkot Stallions at Lahore, Oct 6, 2008 scorecard